Saturday, May 16, 2009


Alright, so I will soon be purchasing an editing system (woo) and it's Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 platinum. Because well I don't have 600 to shell out on Vegas pro. So yea! Well that's it, another update soon!

untill then!

-Robby Sabbag

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hey Guys! Check out my LIVE show here on BlogTV! yiu can check it out on or here at my Blog! so come check me out and join in on the chat.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey guys! well so far it's been a good last few weeks!

I got my awesome new camera (samsung DX-SC103 mini dvd camera) and I am now going to be filming live action stuff!.

My current project that I am working on now is sort of a documentery about..well ME!

It's entitled "My Life" it is so you can get to know me better and you will get a taste of what's to come!

Now, because I am making live action stuff now, I will not be focusing on machinimas as much.
And I am putting the Revenge Story Movie on hold because I want to focus on my live stuff for now.

Also my new live shit will be posted on
I am also going to being posting things on

So untill then

-Robby Sabbag CEO ELrC Films

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Script fragment

Ok Guys! Here it is an exclusive sneak peak at some of the script for the Revenge Story Movie! Strait from the source
Later we have don and dan at the reasturaunt in LC
Dan: (to the waiter) Hey is a Mr. Ivan Baranov here?
Waiter: Umm let me check….Yes he is out back talking to the owner.
Don and Dan walk out to the top of the stairs that lead out back to see Ivan down below conversing with the owner
Ivan: So…..Mr. Mario Rossi It’s been about I dunno 5 months past your dead line and I still don’t have my money.
Mario: Listen Listen Ivan I will have your money you see Business is picking up and I guarantee your money by say next month I can give you what I have.
Ivan: How much is that?
Mario: (mumbles) Ummmm only 5 g’s
Ivan: Whats that?
Ivan: Well guess what I have.
Mario: Wha…Whats that?
Ivan: A gun…and now your dead!
Ivan kills him
Don and Dan walk down
Don: Nice shot there
Ivan: Heyyy Donny and Dan what can I do you for my favorite little gangsters.
Dan: Well we where wondering if you where still interested in that Four Dragons deal?
Ivan: You mean the deal I invested 500,000 on and it’s still not completed?
Dan: well…yea
Dan: Don’t you yell at me I was not in the gang when you made the deal yell at Don!
Ivan: So Don….What has money been doing since I loaned it to you? Huh?
Don: It’s been collecting in the bank you smuck
Ivan: Oh has it? How much is there?
Don: $350,000 ok?
Ivan: What happened to the $150,000?
Don: Visit my house
Ivan: You get back my money invest in that deal or you’ll end up like him.
Don: Ok sir
Dan: Lets head back to the Four Dragons
There you have it! I may be posting more fragments to. Eventually I will post the Whole Script!
Untill Then

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hey Guys! It's me ELrC, Robby, DarkELrobertoC what ever you want to call me! And this is my blog. So lets cut to the Chase this is information on ELrC Films including my work on the Revenge Story Movie, this is where I may put a small fraction of what's done of the script up here so you can get the jist of whats going on. Here I will also be giving news on my transition to Live Action Videos (videos for that will posted on
